
Criminal Law Reform Specialist

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Deb has been a Charleston resident for the last 7 years, and has worked in criminal law reform as a citizen and most recently for the WV Family of Convicted People, where she served as the interim executive director before joining ACLU-WV as a full-time staffer.

As a justice-impacted person, Deb brings lived experience to our staff, as well as a passion for changing our cruel carceral system. Deb has also worked in the substance abuse treatment field, during which time she saw the enormous overlap between those afflicted with substance use disorder and those who are justice-impacted and even currently justice-involved.

Deb has also spent a number of years involved in and around elections, and has a mission to see those who have been marginalized given the opportunity to have their voices heard by heading up campaigns to register justice-impacted people to vote.

She lives in Charleston with her very spoiled cat, Daisy.