
Please provide some basic information about  yourself.

Name Cody H. Thompson

Office Sought House of Delegates 43rd District

City/Town Elkins, WV

Email Address electcodytowvhouse@gmail.com


From 1980 to 2016 the West Virginia state prison population has increased by 470%.  What, if anything, would you change to reverse this trend?

Non-violent offenders should not be spending exorbitant time incarcerated, instead the focus should be moved to rehabilitation so that they can rejoin society and live productive lives. I also stand firmly against for profit prisons that have an incentive to keep inmates longer than they should solely for profit.


Civil asset forfeiture is a process where police can seize any property "related" to criminal activity and later can file a civil case to forfeit the property to either be used or auctioned for money which is shared between the police department and local prosecutor.  This can happen regardless of whether there is a criminal conviction or even criminal charges brought against a person.Proponents say this is a useful tool for taking ill-gotten gains from criminals and funding police work, and that legal protections adequately prevent abuse of the system.Critics say the system amounts to theft, that many people cannot afford the legal costs to challenge a forfeiture action, and that it creates a perverse incentive for police.Do you support or oppose the practice of civil asset forfeiture?  What, if any, reforms would you make to the practice?

In general no I do not support civil asset forfeiture. In certain instances where large drug rings or narcotic dealers are involved and the investigation was thorough and lengthy I can see it as a way to recover costs and to provide a deterrent for that activity. However, minor offenses and those who are truly struggling and not large scale drug dealers should not have another weight placed upon them and impede their path to recovery.


More than half the population of West Virginia's regional jails are pre-trial.  That means they haven't been found guilty of any crime yet.  Most are there because they could not afford bail, though some are there because they were denied a chance to post bail.  What changes, if any would you make to our pretrial and/or bail system to balance concerns about safety and court efficiency with ensuring we are not incarcerating people without due process?

Concerning bail there needs to be a massive reform with our code concerning a persons ability to pay. Bail is not intended to keep you in jail, it is intended to be fair and reasonable so that you can prepare your defense for your case, and to ensure you will not skip town and be present for your court hearing. Sadly, too many West Virginian's cannot afford the bail they are given and by default denied that time to prepare their defense.


In 2015 West Virginia passed significant reforms to the juvenile justice system.  Despite these reforms, the State still utilizes out of home placement at a high rate for system-involved youth.  What, if anything, should West Virginia do to reduce out-of-home placements for system-involved juveniles?

We need to help families overcome their struggles with childcare and with young West Virginians who need trauma care and therapies to overcome their reasons for entering the juvenile justice system. More emphasis from the legislature on a preventative system vs. a reactionary system would greatly benefit our families and youngsters


West Virginia has a very low voter participation rate.  What changes, if any, would you make to increase voter participation?

Mail-in ballots for every registered voter in WV.


Over the past few years, there has been legislation aimed at requiring the Bible to be taught in public schools, allowing a Bible-based elective, or faith-based drug prevention electives.  What is your stance on incorporating religion into the public schools?

As a history teacher I know the importance that religion has played in the history of mankind. As long as the religion is taught in a purely historical perspective and its only incorporated in the appropriate units, sections, or chapters I have no problem with it, as long as its wide encompassing and the history or the major religions and their relevance is purely the goal. In the legislature I have repeatedly spoken against specific religions being pushed into our public schools that serve students of varying and no religious beliefs.


At least 20 states have passed laws prohibiting discrimination in housing, employment, and public accommodations on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.  13 West Virginia municipalities have similar protections.  Do you support or oppose a statewide law prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity in West Virginia?  Why?

As the 2nd openly gay legislator elected to the WV House of Delegates... I strongly support ENDA which is now law of the USA, and I strongly support Housing protections for the LGBTQ+IA residents. Hate Crime legislation is also needed to protect our community.


In December 2019, Governor Justice announced that West Virginia would continue accepting refugees.  Do you support or oppose accepting refugees in West Virginia?  Under what conditions?  Why?

Fully support allowing refugees here. We all came from other parts of the world and have ended up in beautiful West Virginia. Why should we deny those fleeing their homeland for various the same opportunity. Diversity is a beautiful thing.


Over the past few years, some states have continued to erode protections and access to abortion care.  Other states have done the opposite and codified abortion rights that had previously been defined by courts.  Do you favor further restrictions to abortion, expanding or codifying abortion rights, or taking no action on abortion?

If any legislation would affect one woman's choice, I would be against it. A woman should have control over her body and her medical decisions.