Your vote matters. That’s why ACLU-WV has compiled a comprehensive guide to help voters navigate the historic 2020 General Election.

The virtual guide includes an extensive Q&A section that answers some common (and not-so common) questions from voters. It also includes an overview of issues important to the ACLU and our supporters, videos from subject matter experts, a Know Your Candidates section featuring legislative report cards for incumbents, district maps, and candidate questionnaires.

Over the past 10 years, more than 30 states including West Virginia have enacted measures that make it harder to vote. We hope this guide helps voters navigate the roadblocks and elect representatives who are committed to making voting as easy, inclusive, and secure as possible.

So many issues are on the line in this important election. The right to protest, due process protections, the right to an abortion, and the separation between our government and religion have all come under attack in West Virginia in recent years.  With your vote, you can tell your representatives that defending these rights is a primary concern for you.

Your vote matters and we hope you use it.

Let West Virginia Vote: A Guide to the 2020 Election is available here.